This brief outline of the development of public libraries’ role in equality and diversity was produced as part of the...
“The PREVENT digest started as a monthly press and commentary digest of the PREVENT duty, ‘extremism’ and ‘radicalisation’. It was...
Brief report of the CILIP Public & Mobile Libraries Group/Community, Diversity & Equality Group joint conference on 14 Oct 2017. It included: “Public...
Results of a research project (by Kerry Wilson and Briony Birdi) investigating public library staff attitudes towards social inclusion policy...
Fascinating article by Moira Weigel in The Guardian 30 Nov 2016, which looks at the use of ‘political correctness’ by...
This volume includes the analysis of the survey of public library authorities carried out in Autumn 1999; the eight case...
Blogpost by Anne Harding, which looks at a range of resources focusing on inclusion in children’s books.
...“The need for public libraries to tackle social exclusion and engage in social justice becomes ever more urgent as the...
“This groundbreaking international conference took place on Wed 24 – Fri 26 March 2010 in the Sackler Centre at the...
Historical – but still entirely relevant – guide by Shiraz Durrani to good practice. Social Exclusion Action Planning Network, 2001...