The Network supports libraries, museums, archives, galleries and other cultural and heritage organisations (as well as individuals) who are working to tackle social exclusion and towards social justice.

Libraries and Sanctuary

Published by Facet in Nov 2022, "Libraries and Sanctuary draws on John Vincent's decades of work in libraries and social exclusion to provide this guide for anyone seeking to create an inclusive and welcoming library community for new arrivals." Further details on the Facet Publishing website.
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What was formerly the “Six Steps Promise” has now been re-focused as the “Vision and Print Impaired People’s Promise”, and...

Glossary (updated Apr 2020) produced by It Gets Better Project: “Ever find yourself at a loss for the right words...

Article by John Vincent from the Aug/Sept issue of Information Professional (posted with kind permission of CILIP and Information Professional),...

“This report explores the role that digital tools and resources can play in addressing the gender and disadvantage gap in...

“This project, sponsored by the Scottish Government, will explore how the story of Scotland’s involvement in the British Empire, colonialism,...

“We Need Diverse Books™ is a grassroots organization of children’s book lovers that advocates essential changes in the publishing industry...

“Help us build on the work of the BAME LGBTQ+ community members who have set out to reveal, collect and share...

“The books listed on this web site may be of interest to anyone working with children, particularly children with physical...

Regularly updated US blog which includes information about “Picture books for children about the experience of knowing or having a...

“The LGBTQ+ Network was formed out of the need for a group to represent all UK LGBTQ+ Library Knowledge &...

“This document serves as an ongoing pool of resources for UK archivists and record-keepers who want to understand and engage...

The Museums Association has launched its campaign “[…] for museums to be more environmentally sustainable and address the climate crisis.”...