Category: Children & young people

The National Literacy Trust: “[…] have brought together a series of book lists for children and young people of all...

Useful resources from the It Gets Better Project to help create inclusive spaces. “The It Gets Better Project is a...

“This project was a collaboration between Essex Libraries and Shared Intelligence, with funding provided by Arts Council England. It was designed...

““This report examines the cost of school exclusion, its causes and, importantly, the role that workforce development can play in...

“This research was commissioned by BookTrust and undertaken by the National Children’s Bureau (NCB) to find out more about carers’...

“Reading Well for young people recommends expert endorsed books about mental health, providing 13 to 18 year olds with advice and...

This blogpost by Anne Harding (22 Mar 2016) is a very useful resource, particularly for links to websites and reports...

Important report which has been produced as part of the Understanding Everyday Participation – Articulating Cultural Values project. It looks...

List of recommended books for children and young people. Elizabeth L Chapman. LGBTQ* fiction for young people (Sept 2015)


Key information about looked-after children and young people, produced by John Vincent and Anne Harding. Latest version: 3 November 2015....